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Posts tagged ‘thoughts’


Yes I am at it again, another rant and rave of your only Deity of the Universe of Infinite. I was going to brush this under the carpet but when it affected my gigai I couldn’t turn a deaf eye nor a blind ear to the matter anymore. Want to guess what my issue is? Guess you wouldn’t given a million years. Before I vent my frustration at the regression of the human race more specifically the Sapiens sapiens species, let us take a short walk through History. Yes yes, I am allowed to do that as Time falls under Infinity. And no it isn’t time travel so wipe that Mephistophelean smile off your face, I don’t want to have real live Dr. Whos and Rose Tylers.

The year will be 1876 and the smart ones already know. Yes your mental projections will be visiting Sir Alexander Graham Bell; the father of the telephone. The Aegyptopithecus to the smart phone you hold in your palm now. He patented the first practical working telephone. However, though the inventor or not depending on what history you listen to, he found the telephone a nuisance and kept it in his study. Though not evolved he could still see its danger.

Fast forward to the future. Now I know many of you are sharpening your pitchforks and stoking the fire ready for a witch-hunt or more appropriately a deity hunt, hoping to catch me and roast me well well-done. I would tell you to save your energy but you wouldn’t listen. Just like all the witches you burned during the Dark Ages who lied to you they died?

Tags, more so #tags are my pet peeve. The humans of this era are so into their Smartphone that one would be forgiven for thinking that Smartphones are their deities while in realty they are theirs stakes.


Likes comments and hash tags are the lifeline of such. When Bell made the telephone, he had no idea that the # would gain such prominence. Even the * button isn’t that button anymore. All that is left is for all mobile phones to unanimously agree that there should be a dedicated # button like the windows key on most comps


#Bell #telephony #Blogging #Writinginbed #Coffee #cofeeholic #Righthandwriting #Multitasking #Textingbae #history #research #MondayBlues #BedManenos #PhilosophicalTings (Yes I wrote tings instead of things) #MyBrainBetterThanYours #WritingIsBae #BloggingIsBae #ThoughtsUnderAMosquitoNet #AfterSundayTings #I’mSoSmart #HP #TypingInBed #DUI #DILLIC?

Yes all those #tags apply to this gigai as he types away. Seriously? You don’t #GiveADamn and I #Don’tCare. Very soon, the # in any tag shall be counted as a separate word in essays et al. #Change.

Look, you might think that #tagging makes you look all cool and such but honey baby, honey is only delicious to lick the first four times after that you get sick of it. It just shows your; yes your level of intellect and maturity is at #AllTimeLow. Yes some #tags do actually help a cause but only one out of every say 100? The rest are just piles upon piles of egotistical, egocentric, extrovert, self-seeking, selfish tags. (Feel free to #tag each individual word.) This reminds me of a certain dance movie I watched, where in the dance camp there was this super famous dance crew and the lead #tagged everything. As you can guess I didn’t finish watching the movie.

#MirrorNotLie #BathroomSelfies are some of the more annoying tags I encounter on a daily basis. Since you can’t beat them let me add a few #tags and hope they will pick pace and trend okay? #LavatoryLove #FaecalFacts #GOTPeeson1 #CeramicThrone #ShittySounds #Dr.Poo #GreatFartscapade Do I continue or stop? So far three main sites are responsible for the #tag phenomena HeadBook the Social networking site, that chirping micro blogging site Chirp Chirp! With its red sparrow and the extroverts’ paradise InstaGlam the photo-showcasing site.

Post photos all you like but don’t make the #tags take up more space than the photo itself. If the madness had been contained in the Internet I would not be really mad but when it spills over to WorstApp I scream. Then some of you have #tags so ingrained in you that even in SMSs I receive #Mpesa #OkoaJahazi #Kisses #IKR #I’mSleepy, and my agent sends a text saying “End month is approaching #RentCollectionManenos”, this is where as the Deity of the Universe of Infinite I become stark raving mad. #tags in texts? Come on! What next? #tags in speech and conversation.


Sandra: Hi dad so I managed to create the mountain ranges in the third planet though not as high as the Himalayas

Me: Hi there Sandra I am proud of you. #FatherDaughterIntellect I see. Well you are the daughter of the #DUI

Sandra: Uhm Okay. By the way your citizens miss you already they ask when will you be back.

Me: I #Miss them too. Tell them tomorrow is a #PublicHoliday and they can have #FunTime with #Family #Friends and #Bae.

Sandra: Okay I will try and do that but are you okay?

Me: I definitely am #Healthy just #WorkingOut #NoDoctor.

Sandra: Dad are you sure you haven’t caught one of those weird human diseases? What’s with all the #tagging in our conversation?

Me: #NeverBeenBetter #JustSpeakingLocalLanguage #GottaGo #LoveYou and #TTYL

She hung up on me before I got to the #GottaGo tag.  That conversation was not only #Ridiculous but also #Crazy #Insanity #Idiotic. She sent me a #tag free text telling me that she predicts that human communication shall revert to grunts, hieroglyphs and cave paintings very soon. Your voice boxes shall become vestigial organs and your mouths shall be for eating and maybe kissing if any of you shall remember how to do it. But I am sure you will just Googol it. Not that #ICare what happens to the #HumanRace. It is your pathetic miserable lives anyway not mine.


Until Next time from your Introverted yet Man of the People and Observant Deity of the Universe of Infinite and Hashtag free being:



Thoughts of a Raven

Dining on pomegranate
Entirely ingesting what I get
After math is charming sleep
Taken to dance in Asphodel Keep
Hades’ calling; I do a back step

Immortality, humans do seek
Shinigami on duty makes a wall of brick.

Culling down your ill gains
Adding up all your emotional pains
Lady Luck does me forsake
Lose a lot when I make a mistake
Ignorance just isn’t bliss
Nightshades’ deathly kiss
Gets on my purple lips

Marking the beginning of the demise
Ever ready, so it ain’t a surprise

Posted from WordPress for Windows Phone

High-Lights and Low-Darks of 2015

Okay so this is another rant and rave of no one else but your favourite deity of the universe of infinite, only that this time round it is a wrap up of the year 2015..

I’m still stuck on this crabby planet as my SPIRIT beam is still sulking; and my daughter,is still trying to open a safe portal for me to use.. Well by June 2016 I will have finally succeeded in going back to my universe for good, so I will not rely on my SPIRIT beam any more.. Other than that let us get down to it..

So this year has had its Everests and Marianas Trenches. By that I mean there have been more downs than ups.. Take the Everest and turn it upside down to cover or fill the Marianas you’ll still need roughly 2000 metres more.. hope I’ve explained it in layman’s terms..

Most of The Thoughts Of A……. series have been me spotlighting issues that have really ticked me off.. Primarily these have been the downs in my life.. Also if you are discerning enough, read between the lines of most of my posts and you’ll see something..

I landed on this crabby planet and slightly loved it, got myself a gigai with which I have been able to interact with the beings on this planet.

In June, the month when I self-procreated myself, I made three new friends, two of whom I still maintain regular contact with. Fellow wine and food enthusiasts like myself. Although I left my previous workplace during that time, a month later I was summoned to the place I am now. Go through my posts to read about it all. Also this gigai happened to meet Jean Wandimi a fellow blogger and also a master class wine enthusiast (I am just a disciple class wine enthusiast) at my work place and I totally loved it. I think this was the only time that this D.U.I. became a fan, pushimg aside my introvert cloak for a few minutes. If you are a wine connoisseur then follow this


Speaking of my new workplace, I met a certain Temporary All Rounded person there and to date she is a very special person. For your information, my favourite manga character is Nagi Sanzenin of Hayate no Gotoku. This person is my Nagi Chan, my Ojousama, so I have a very soft spot for Nagi and she knows it too.. I think to date she is the only Venetian who plays a mind game with me that I actually love. I hate mind games exception being chess.

However the Venetian species, I note love playing mind games all the time. Too bad for them I happen to be the D.U.I. and also have a highly functioning brain so usually I manage to know their game plans and prepare myself; after all isn’t fore-footed forewarned, or something like that?. However, with my Ojousama I love her mind games as it has a pleasant aura around it. She doesn’t have KI (Killing Intent) around her though her mind game is more of a duel between us; our weapons fencing swords. We attack, defend, parry, thrust et al, but in the end we both love it.

I stumbled away from my literature universe onto the Anime and Manga-Verse.. Well I don’t see myself leaving anytime soon, I think I will station an embassy in that universe for proper diplomatic relations.. Keep in mind that I had done a few reconnaissance trips when I was much younger but it was just that.. However now I’d like to colonise- ahem maintain proper relations with this newly discovered world.. I just can’t get enough of expanding my universe of Infinite.. I think it was proper I became the Deity of the Universe of Infinite. With Music, Prose, Poetry, Dance, I’m very close to controlling the Nine Muses of Greek. Terpsichore, Clio, Euterpe and Melpomene so far are under my thumb. Very soon the whole of the Arts shall be part of my Universe of Infinite.

Then there are smaller achievements, like getting myself a new pair of state of the art Sharingans, my previous ones were really old having them for over 13 years.. Speaking of 13, There were so many Friday the 13th this year but only the last one had any significance to me. For that short period I was able to temporarily travel back to my Universe and spend quality time with my daughter.

Also, when we had the Super moon I was temporarily able to summon a few of my universe representatives to this planet. I’m sorry I didn’t tell anyone about this but after reading this post I’m sure you’ll understand why.

Another up was when the earth time here was the truncated form of PI this date exact

.. that should be proclaimed an inter-universal holiday, a once in a century holiday, along the lines of sighting of Haley’s Comet.. In my U.I. it is a special day, where all creation not only rest but their infinite wishes are infinitely answered for that specific time period only..

This year has also been one where I’ve been too socially active, having exceeded my quota by light years. An AA meet, ComicCon, over five different social lunches with people never met before, I mean any introverted being like myself would have died by now, so for 2016 I want to limit these social outings to the number of fingers on my foot.. Exactly your feet don’t have fingers but toes, you get the message loud and clear, you potential Social ticks and fleas, stay away from me in the name of the D.U.I.

From all my other posts, you know I am a very jealous deity so if any of you are expecting me to wish you a prosperous 2016, you’ll keep on waiting until infinity will stop being undefined; and as along as I am the Deity of the universe of Infinite and my daughter is still well my daughter then too bad that is not happening anytime soon.. Reason being that New Year’s is a festival honouring the two-faced Roman God Janus; after whom the month of January was named. Now if I cant trust a two faced human, what about a two-timing double dealing Roman god? Therefore I will not wish you a happy New Year..

My New Years resolution? None at all, I will just be more active in the day to day operations of my Prose-theticular universe. Meaning more stories will be written for 2016, so yeah that’s good news.

Here is a guide on how we should relate this coming year:

Other than that let us crossover like chiasmata into the New Year and see you in 2016..

From your usual Deity of the Universe of Infinite, Man of the People, Soon to be Controller of the Nine Muses, and Upper Class Tier Citizen, Sayonara 2015 and shinnen omedetō gozaimasu minna san..

Self Worth-Alpha

Waking, standing, walking sleeping,
This question makes my radar go a’beeping,
Just what is my life worth,
On this blue life-more earth?
Am I really a cog in this machinery called living,
Or just a clog, that should get the hint and start leaving?
If after all I play no part
Ţo paint the work of art
No brush strokes to the canvas do I add,
Then its really sad,
That I can’t even sing a ballad
Or strike a C minor
Note, or education C-
To prove I was taught.
Just what is the purpose of my life?
Severing is the work of à knife
Of my wrist
To complete cease and desist.
So before I truncate,
Please elaborate
Why my heart still pumps?
Though on this Highway I’m neither a pothole nor a speed bump,
A rumble strip
Nor a rise nor a dip.
I try to extrapolate
Using scatter points, a line of best fit,
But I realise I am just a misfit
A damn insignificant trickle
In this super valley that life stream flows,
So you see I’m fickle..
All I await is the scythe and sickle,
Hence my ears do not tickle,
That’s the position
Of my situation
I’m just a carication
Of Divine boredom
No difference from a glowworm
Though a correction
To that attestation
A glowworm gives forth light
So I have no right
To insult its existence
Using it as my defence..
(To be continued)

Posted from WordPress for Windows Phone


Usually, I give a wide berth to social issues for where I reign (Universe of Infinite) such trivial matters are……….. Well trivial. However another issue scratched horribly at my eardrums in the Phantasmagoric Idyllic Lands. It got me gnashing my teeth both at its literal and hidden meaning.. Being an MI6 (Morals Inspector) Agent as well as a man of the people; I have empathy for all classes more so the so the Venetian species.. A certain sound clip doing rounds on social media just shows the rot in your minds and hearts.. The art of being an MI6 special agent is as ancient as the first man 👨 and woman 👩.. It is an honourable occupation along with the likes of (PHD) Professional Heuristic Dispensing, (MBA) Mind Body and Astral Counsellors better known as Healers, Doctors.. No, lawyers aren’t that honourable and with the crop of current doctors…… That’s topic for another day..
As far as I am an objective thinker, I am concerned, whatever fancy that tickles Tom Dick and Harriet, all humans have equal freedoms and rights, whether in Russia, Uganda, Syria, Australia, Japan, America, for weren’t we all created equally? However, let us use those rights properly by following our inbuilt compass called morals and the map called our conscience.. the case study let us use Mollis Nimeshoka clip that I shall moniker Operation Surrender.
I am a Moral Inspector being Deity of the Universe of Infinite there are things that I just can’t condone. Yes we have the right to do what we want but let us not abuse those privileges. I log into HandPen account only to see the newsfeed filled with ‘I salenda’ crapamacallit.
This Deity has a very high sense of humour, in fact someone once told me that I laugh when a fly passes me.. However, laughing at that Mollis clip just shows the moral decay and degradation taking place in society.. Just recently there was the My Dress My Choice campaign which though ostentatiously noble was nothing more than a façade for the Venetian species to try and defend themselves and still continue with their excuses.. And no this Deity wasn’t supporting the stripping of the ladies no matter how much they skimpily dressed. That was a classic case of corvus oculum corvi non eruit.
The person who uploaded the initial file on the net really has a sick and disgusting sense of humour or no morals at all. How do you first of all record such a clip and then proudly share it? Assuming you were a third party were you actually witnessing that act and sitting back calmly sipping on your mojito?. And if there was ni third party involved then the person who initially shared this should be arrested immediately. And if it is just a sound clip and nothing more to it, then you still need to be arrested for engaging in production and distribution of erotic and pornographic material..
Let me stop attacking the perpetrator now. My next battle front is YOU! Yes you.. Why fan the flames by listening and sending/sharing the file with every Jane, Mollis and Ondiek? If you get it by mistake, delete asap and breathe not a word to anyone about it.. Should anyone mention it to you, feign ignorance or outright tell them it isn’t worth your time.. Imagine that was you in that audio clip.. Walk a mile in that person’s shoes and taste for yourself. Imagine that person was your sister, wife, mother, aunt or amy female being close to you, would you still be proud listening and sharing it?. It wont hurt to stop and think fir a few seconds before doing something, be an objective thinker like myself.. Besides, that sounds just like rape/non-consensual sex to me.. Any normal and sane human would be disgusted by such outrageous behaviour..
Now now, I haven’t called anyone Deranged Neanderthal Primordial apes….
Finally my last rant goes to the government.. Its time for it to seriously invest in technology policing heavily.. Other than cyber security for hackers and all, what about the normal Wanjiku on the street?. Of late so many gossip blogs have sprung like mushrooms that for every legitimate site there will definitely be a two gossip blogs for it. The government should have stringent rules and monitor what is being uploaded and doing rounds in its cyberspace. No I don’t mean that we should have a Big Brother Is Watching kind of government but put policies that will stop propagation of content deemed harmful. Like that story about the high school girls found in flagrante delicto in a city bound bus having Canabis sativa in their undergarments. Whoever the photojournalist was their permit should be revoked for two things: First I’ll assume that gurl was a minor so showing her face for all to see is a violation if her rights regardless of her suspected crime. Secondly why in earth would you as a journalist take a photo of the girl in the NUDE? Isn’t that sexual crime?. This are the times u say that earthlings really need to re-evaluate themselves. I would have helped along that line but we haven’t yet established diplomatic relations with any earthly country so it will be light years before that happens.. However I will lend you my knowledge when needed for they say castigat ridendo mores.. Stay happy and be safe..
Until next time:
From a Concerned Being; An Objective Intellectual Introvert; , MI6 Agent, Deity of Universe of Infinite yet Man of the People..

Mind Freefall

Dreams are shattered, hope is lost
E’r one is dull, though I’m the host
Ambience is low, morale is down
Theme is gloom, so don funeral gown
Heat is absent, hence chill to frost

Inside is rot
Smiling is by rote

Attention is craved, despair is received
Life loses lustre, though twas alabaster
Lessons learned, experiences lived
Utopia dissolved, reality precipitates
Reasons denied, excuses abundant
Internal turmoil, my mind agitates
No one cares, I become flippant
Gone with the wind, existence denied.

My Thoughts on Depression

Depression. Who would have thought that such a mature or grown up disease would trickle down to me?. I am neither old nor mature.. I think this diseases are lacking moving targets. I’m sure next someone would tell me I have type a diabetes and cancer.. Lemme be a traditional African and say that these illnesses are for the rich and the whites..
Away from that, someone told me that I am suffering from depression.. Well I don’t know about that but I do know myself better than anyone else does.. So depression? Nuh uh.. For the sake of argument though lemme agree to that statement..
Now why would I be depressed?. Is it because of late I prefer lazing in the house and not going out? Or is it my sudden lack of enthusiasm in what I used to love doing?. Or is it my lethargic nature?. Answer to the first question is, I’m an introvert. As am introvert my me time is next to none. It is held at a glorious perch away from other activities that would ordinarily taint it. According to Darwin, evolution takes place so I evolved from whatever I was to a hikikomori.. Besides, it is only at my home that I cam get in touch with my inner self and have discussions, debates, arguments, word duels in a safe place away from judging eyes and ears.
Question two, the answer is its a phase. Didn’t we all pass through certain phases in life?. I know I didn’t and that’s why they are catching up to me now.. Yes I loved drawing, I loved reading, I loved writing, loved animals, basically I LOVED.. Emphasis on the word loved. But they were all passing phases, leaving me mainly an empty shell.. Ah well, something new shall fill the vacuum..
Lastly, yeah I had high and still do have high energy levels. Its just that these days, my primary reserves have dwindled to dangerously low levels. As to my back up reserves, they are just that, back up. Besides why would I need energy when all I do is stay in the house?. My mental energy is more than enough to push me through the day..
Yes I can hear you quite clearly. He is in the first stage, denial. Anyway that is just your opinion which fortunately doesn’t count in this universe. Well even if you are right, what do I do?. Talk to a close family member?. Well me and family aren’t bed mates you know.. A friend, you suggest?. Everyone has there own problems, so no one really gives a hoot about you silly problems.. More so in this age and era.. A professional, do I hear?. Well as the name suggests, it wont be for free, besides why spend that money on a professional while I can just Google the cure?. Anyway even if I did have someone to talk to, all other factors withstanding, lets just say that my defensive nature will kick in; namely introvert nature.. Why would I tell you my problems?. Am I sick?. I think this is the only time I accept that I will be depressed, talking my heart out. What a laugh.. I will leave that to my fellow subjective species the extroverts. For me lemme just rant and rave in a round about manner and get the calm I desire.. Till next time.. Take care and don’t be depressed..
PS, this was just for argument purposes. I am not depressed.. A depressed person wouldn’t be as lively as radioactive potassium ion..

Torn in Two

I think I love, I think I hate,
This feeling in me up to date,
I try to smother, I try to crush,
This feeling akin to a sugar rush
When you see me, when I see you,
Oh the things I wish to do!
Just me and you
My lovely beau..
Yet in my mind,
It ain’t hard to find,
The part in me that’s carefree
Doesn’t care, and will dare
To easily forget thee..
I’m a human that I agree
All these emotions causing a storm in the sea
Though mainly two are foremost
The rest are just but lurking ghost’
Stoical and altruistic those are one side
Cynical and sarcastic these two won’t hide..
Though for now my mind is at ease
For the moment I have mind of peace
Or peace of mind
For the time being I will find..

More Subconscious Manifestations

Well then here I am again. Last time I asked what is a dream? We discussed it superficially and now I think I will begin posting my oh so weird crazy dreams to be read at, laughed and basically enjoyed. That way you can analyze and try to find out what type of person I am. Am I comfortable spilling the beans? well n I am not but on the other hand I want to show the world that well crazy and weird people still exist and I am one of them..

Well Last night-today morning I had a series of subconscious manifestations during my REM sleep. However I will only post one.

I was transported back to the time when full-scale invasions were taking place and whole communities were either wiped out or completely subjugated by foreign powers. I happened to be among a small clan living in The Village Hidden in the Sands. Literally we were in a desert and if I am not wrong it was medieval Egypt. I was part of an assassination crew that was sent to wipe out this same village. I did my best to hide my victims from my fellow assassins but when i saw men, women and children being slaughtered left right and centre I happened to snap and i started defending the same village that i was sent to wipe out.

My fellow assassins surrounded me ready to attack and that would have been the end for me.. However the Deity of that land managed to envelope me in a bright white light and transported me to the future where I could get my revenge.

I was dropped off in an oval auditorium and was facing sixteen faces. Without being told I immediately knew that these were descendants of the assassins. Without hesitation I happened to discreetly run invisible strings around them all. For those of you who have watched the anime Akame Ga Kill my reference is to Lubber the green haired Night Raid member.

My first victim was a middle-aged lady whom I immediately snapped her neck to get the attention of the others. Now that I was centre stage, I took the role of Judge and Executioner. My theory was I had no issue with them slaughtering men and women. My problem was kids. To prove my point I strung a wire around the only child in the room and raised it a few inches high to drive home my point. Two of them actually got to their feet ready to strike me but I happened to easily snap their necks with my string.

To cut a long dream short, I snapped all their necks in half after making sure they had all regretted what their ancestors had done. I spared the child though so don’t preach double standards to me.

Now the questions:

  1. What do you read about my nature?
  2. Is my sense of justice wrong?
  3. Should I have spared the child?
  4. Am I just weird?

Answer those questions and if you want tell me.. If you don’t want even better. Until next time from Temporary Judge and Executioner, Interim Assassin and Avenger these are the Subconscious Manifestations of Resident of Phantasmagoria and Citizen of Dream Land; Upper 1st Tier Diamond Stand


Why is it of late,
I’m always in this state?
I look around
From the sky to the ground,
Left and right; up and down,
From country to town,
Yet it isn’t found..
A silence to smother this sound,
Of loneliness. Emptiness
Yes bitterness
At myself at the world.
I crave for this hole
To be filled up and make me whole..
My life I detest, for I hate the pretext
Of putting on my best
I don’t want to fake it..
I want to be real.
Yet social norm’
Dictate all, yes into the home
I always pray for it,
Yes I’ll repeat, iterate and reiterate,
Ingeminate and replicate.
But of late
Human company I start to hate,
Though it I still do crave.
Is it me you want to save?
Then help me fill up this hole in my heart
Before I fall apart
And become a hollow
For at my heart it does claw
Wounding me deep and wide
Eating me from the inside.
Therefore I cant hide
From this inner demon
Haunting, plaguing, tormenting..
Come perform an exorcism
But not with what it would seem
A religious point of view
Though I’ll leave it up to you.
You’ll decide what to do
Because I am all empty and hollow……

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