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Posts tagged ‘friends’

Of New Work Environment

Well as you might be well aware, my SPIRIT Beam is still dysfunctional at the moment so I’m still stuck in this gigai for now. Hence, I am pushed to the point where I have to get a job, I order to sustain my gigai conditions- talk about a cow holding a tick hostage.. Anyway, since that is the case, this Deity of the Universe of Infinite has got himself one..

Don’t get me wrong I have nothing against working or such but I am a deity, need I say more?. Well the environment is totally different from what I expected.. The people are new to me and such busybodies trying to get me talk to them. I hate that part.

I got this job quite a while back and have been watching things closely from my end. I can’t complain much but I wish the folks would stop trying to give Pinocchio competition with their long noses.

I came to work. Not to dilly dally, shilly shally nor have repartee with anyone. And I definitely didn’t come to make friends nor look for a prospective consort. I stress on the last statement because of some events that happened to me earlier on.

On the first day of work a male workmate when introducing himself to me in front of a female workmate told me to keep off the ladies. The lady retaliated and said, “Chinko stop spoiling my CV, I am single and searching.” Now was there any need to explain that. Wouldn’t a simple retort like,”I’m not yours” or “I’m single,” do quite well?. My relation with the Venetian Species shows that the species will never say they are single and especially that they are searching even if the case is true on either/both counts. I was left with questions afterwards as to why she would say that.

Also another male colleague had a chat with me and asked if I was married.. Of late I keep getting this question?. Does my gigai issue a pheromone to show it is ready for marriage?. Or is it an age where it should be married?. I’m sorry but I definitely ain’t marrying at this age nor on this planet. Besides the workmate even reached the point of telling me the few available ladies at work that are suitable candidates. Another workmate was shocked to learn I am not married. What’s the big deal?. Marry when ready..

Or are people jealous of my freedom? I mean living alone and having no family responsibilities is fun and no one forced you to marry early. All I know is that this deity isn’t marrying anyone anytime soon. So if you want to eat a blade because of jealousy go ahead, I definitely will not stop you

As for friends, nope not interested, for there is really no real friendship material at work. Or at least I haven’t identified any friends of present. The people around either are too immature in their mindset or just have polar opposite mindset from this deity. The best I have are nodding acquaintances..

Until next time, work safe
From a Working Class Deity, Man of the People and Deity of the Universe of Infinite..

My Thoughts on Depression

Depression. Who would have thought that such a mature or grown up disease would trickle down to me?. I am neither old nor mature.. I think this diseases are lacking moving targets. I’m sure next someone would tell me I have type a diabetes and cancer.. Lemme be a traditional African and say that these illnesses are for the rich and the whites..
Away from that, someone told me that I am suffering from depression.. Well I don’t know about that but I do know myself better than anyone else does.. So depression? Nuh uh.. For the sake of argument though lemme agree to that statement..
Now why would I be depressed?. Is it because of late I prefer lazing in the house and not going out? Or is it my sudden lack of enthusiasm in what I used to love doing?. Or is it my lethargic nature?. Answer to the first question is, I’m an introvert. As am introvert my me time is next to none. It is held at a glorious perch away from other activities that would ordinarily taint it. According to Darwin, evolution takes place so I evolved from whatever I was to a hikikomori.. Besides, it is only at my home that I cam get in touch with my inner self and have discussions, debates, arguments, word duels in a safe place away from judging eyes and ears.
Question two, the answer is its a phase. Didn’t we all pass through certain phases in life?. I know I didn’t and that’s why they are catching up to me now.. Yes I loved drawing, I loved reading, I loved writing, loved animals, basically I LOVED.. Emphasis on the word loved. But they were all passing phases, leaving me mainly an empty shell.. Ah well, something new shall fill the vacuum..
Lastly, yeah I had high and still do have high energy levels. Its just that these days, my primary reserves have dwindled to dangerously low levels. As to my back up reserves, they are just that, back up. Besides why would I need energy when all I do is stay in the house?. My mental energy is more than enough to push me through the day..
Yes I can hear you quite clearly. He is in the first stage, denial. Anyway that is just your opinion which fortunately doesn’t count in this universe. Well even if you are right, what do I do?. Talk to a close family member?. Well me and family aren’t bed mates you know.. A friend, you suggest?. Everyone has there own problems, so no one really gives a hoot about you silly problems.. More so in this age and era.. A professional, do I hear?. Well as the name suggests, it wont be for free, besides why spend that money on a professional while I can just Google the cure?. Anyway even if I did have someone to talk to, all other factors withstanding, lets just say that my defensive nature will kick in; namely introvert nature.. Why would I tell you my problems?. Am I sick?. I think this is the only time I accept that I will be depressed, talking my heart out. What a laugh.. I will leave that to my fellow subjective species the extroverts. For me lemme just rant and rave in a round about manner and get the calm I desire.. Till next time.. Take care and don’t be depressed..
PS, this was just for argument purposes. I am not depressed.. A depressed person wouldn’t be as lively as radioactive potassium ion..

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