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Posts tagged ‘New Year’

High-Lights and Low-Darks of 2015

Okay so this is another rant and rave of no one else but your favourite deity of the universe of infinite, only that this time round it is a wrap up of the year 2015..

I’m still stuck on this crabby planet as my SPIRIT beam is still sulking; and my daughter,is still trying to open a safe portal for me to use.. Well by June 2016 I will have finally succeeded in going back to my universe for good, so I will not rely on my SPIRIT beam any more.. Other than that let us get down to it..

So this year has had its Everests and Marianas Trenches. By that I mean there have been more downs than ups.. Take the Everest and turn it upside down to cover or fill the Marianas you’ll still need roughly 2000 metres more.. hope I’ve explained it in layman’s terms..

Most of The Thoughts Of A……. series have been me spotlighting issues that have really ticked me off.. Primarily these have been the downs in my life.. Also if you are discerning enough, read between the lines of most of my posts and you’ll see something..

I landed on this crabby planet and slightly loved it, got myself a gigai with which I have been able to interact with the beings on this planet.

In June, the month when I self-procreated myself, I made three new friends, two of whom I still maintain regular contact with. Fellow wine and food enthusiasts like myself. Although I left my previous workplace during that time, a month later I was summoned to the place I am now. Go through my posts to read about it all. Also this gigai happened to meet Jean Wandimi a fellow blogger and also a master class wine enthusiast (I am just a disciple class wine enthusiast) at my work place and I totally loved it. I think this was the only time that this D.U.I. became a fan, pushimg aside my introvert cloak for a few minutes. If you are a wine connoisseur then follow this


Speaking of my new workplace, I met a certain Temporary All Rounded person there and to date she is a very special person. For your information, my favourite manga character is Nagi Sanzenin of Hayate no Gotoku. This person is my Nagi Chan, my Ojousama, so I have a very soft spot for Nagi and she knows it too.. I think to date she is the only Venetian who plays a mind game with me that I actually love. I hate mind games exception being chess.

However the Venetian species, I note love playing mind games all the time. Too bad for them I happen to be the D.U.I. and also have a highly functioning brain so usually I manage to know their game plans and prepare myself; after all isn’t fore-footed forewarned, or something like that?. However, with my Ojousama I love her mind games as it has a pleasant aura around it. She doesn’t have KI (Killing Intent) around her though her mind game is more of a duel between us; our weapons fencing swords. We attack, defend, parry, thrust et al, but in the end we both love it.

I stumbled away from my literature universe onto the Anime and Manga-Verse.. Well I don’t see myself leaving anytime soon, I think I will station an embassy in that universe for proper diplomatic relations.. Keep in mind that I had done a few reconnaissance trips when I was much younger but it was just that.. However now I’d like to colonise- ahem maintain proper relations with this newly discovered world.. I just can’t get enough of expanding my universe of Infinite.. I think it was proper I became the Deity of the Universe of Infinite. With Music, Prose, Poetry, Dance, I’m very close to controlling the Nine Muses of Greek. Terpsichore, Clio, Euterpe and Melpomene so far are under my thumb. Very soon the whole of the Arts shall be part of my Universe of Infinite.

Then there are smaller achievements, like getting myself a new pair of state of the art Sharingans, my previous ones were really old having them for over 13 years.. Speaking of 13, There were so many Friday the 13th this year but only the last one had any significance to me. For that short period I was able to temporarily travel back to my Universe and spend quality time with my daughter.

Also, when we had the Super moon I was temporarily able to summon a few of my universe representatives to this planet. I’m sorry I didn’t tell anyone about this but after reading this post I’m sure you’ll understand why.

Another up was when the earth time here was the truncated form of PI this date exact

.. that should be proclaimed an inter-universal holiday, a once in a century holiday, along the lines of sighting of Haley’s Comet.. In my U.I. it is a special day, where all creation not only rest but their infinite wishes are infinitely answered for that specific time period only..

This year has also been one where I’ve been too socially active, having exceeded my quota by light years. An AA meet, ComicCon, over five different social lunches with people never met before, I mean any introverted being like myself would have died by now, so for 2016 I want to limit these social outings to the number of fingers on my foot.. Exactly your feet don’t have fingers but toes, you get the message loud and clear, you potential Social ticks and fleas, stay away from me in the name of the D.U.I.

From all my other posts, you know I am a very jealous deity so if any of you are expecting me to wish you a prosperous 2016, you’ll keep on waiting until infinity will stop being undefined; and as along as I am the Deity of the universe of Infinite and my daughter is still well my daughter then too bad that is not happening anytime soon.. Reason being that New Year’s is a festival honouring the two-faced Roman God Janus; after whom the month of January was named. Now if I cant trust a two faced human, what about a two-timing double dealing Roman god? Therefore I will not wish you a happy New Year..

My New Years resolution? None at all, I will just be more active in the day to day operations of my Prose-theticular universe. Meaning more stories will be written for 2016, so yeah that’s good news.

Here is a guide on how we should relate this coming year:

Other than that let us crossover like chiasmata into the New Year and see you in 2016..

From your usual Deity of the Universe of Infinite, Man of the People, Soon to be Controller of the Nine Muses, and Upper Class Tier Citizen, Sayonara 2015 and shinnen omedetō gozaimasu minna san..

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