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Of Impostor Syndrome

They say one’s heart is just for pumping blood and not dealing with emotions. However, isn’t that what it does? The brain has compartmentalised feelings and emotions to the point that it looks like the heart feels. This is a case of reversed Impostor syndrome. I know there’s a term for it I just don’t want to expend the effort to do so. With that in line, what should one do when they feel like an impostor in life? Waking up daily, going through the motions of life like an automaton? When is it enough? Is it when you just want to sleep eternally and get lost in your night dreams? M gigai sure would like that. It looks and feels like the end of the road for this human vessel. No amount of divine fluids will make it run further. I remember when I started the Of…. Series, I always joked about it like a vessel to contain my divine form. However I grew fond of this body but it looks like the end is nigh. Nothing short of a divine intervention and unfortunately that intervention can not be me.

Of Randomness

It’s been a minute. I know from your human perspective it may have been close to two years, but who’s counting?

I have studied and seen a trend where after a long silence, you humans tend to give a recap and explain your absence. But you all know I’m a deity, right? Still trapped in this human gigai, but a deity nevertheless.

Speaking of deities, last year I had the opportunity to ghostwrite a book or two and guess what it was about. Deities of course. Now without breaking my NDA terms, it was fun writing it.

While on the roll, this time period I will write my own series about my fellow kin. And it will be a thirteen book series. I will also write it this year, and it may or may not be on that digital river, that may or may not rival the Styx. What’s it called, Ganges? Nile? The name forgets me or is it I forget the name?

Randomly, tomorrow is the first Friday the 13th. If only it were possible to have a Purge on that date. Now before you question, no my divinity is still the same but some of my kin would love carnage tomorrow.

With these few words I’ll be signing off, and I will try to be more active this rotation of the earth around the sun. Before I pen off, isn’t this the month you all start working on ridiculous resolutions and such? I would say good luck with that but as a deity you know luck isn’t it.

From your still (INFINITELY) existing being,
The Deity of the Universe of Infinity Imagination and Information.

Blank Canvas

Black rain,
White stain
Empty thoughts
Clammy toes
Numb finger
Existence Schrodinger
Illusion Mobius Strip
My thoughts do snowball
Or rather Fibonacci
Like a geometric snow fall
Hado no hachi juu hachi
Like a heaven thunder roar
My brain does become sore..
Thoughts bumping in my cranium
It feels like a meltdown
Of uranium
In the Chenobyl town.
Very soon I might implode
And create a blackhole
Though I’d like to explode
Like a supernova
And let out all these ideas
Like a swarm of locusts
Descending on the land of Thebes
And create a buggy forecast.
But for now I’ll commiserate
Until I find my Jekyll and Hyde
Bonnie and Clyde,
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson
Or Doctor Who and Clara
For I need an outlet
Before the sun set’…

Of pandemics

As you humans would put it, it’s been a minute.

Now I don’t know if that is said in a sarcastic tone or you humans really mean it. You have weird sayings some of which are paradoxical to each other. Don’t even get me started on that.

I have been on a hiatus of sorts, a sabbatical if you could call it. That’s why the last of my of a series was about three years ago. However let’s just say that this Deity of the Universe of Infinity has been busy elsewhere. Like all deities, we love when humans ask us questions and we at times answer. Some answer in roundabout ways while others take their precious time to give you feedback. I strive not to be the same so I answer what I can as I recognise my limitations.

I think you know where this is headed to. Yes I found this nifty site called Quora and I do answer there at times.

Now speaking of gods and deities, this covid 19 that is rampaging this blue planet has me worried. Its akin to how Apollo rained down a plague on the Greek army because his priestess had been captured by them. So if you have angered any Deity by capturing their priestess please return her immediately.

I am worried not as a Deity but as a deity trapped on this little blue planet in this human gigai. As I said earlier on, I survive because of this gigai and if it gets sick then it will affect me too. Please don’t ask me to intervene, it isn’t my bailiff. We deities have our own territories, spatial and/or physical. Mine is more of an abstract territory. I deal with infinity which then creates a paradoxical situation as infinity cannot be contained in a territory. Ugh, the English language.

Now all I can urge you all, myself included is just to maintain very high levels of cleanliness. You are all fortunate that this coronavirus is easily preventable. What made it such a pandemic was a conglomerate of human stupidity, lack of proper protection, misinformation et Al. However keeping clean with basic soap and water is the ultimate protection.

Stay safe. From your loving Deity, fellow human sufferer and most likely to be affected Deity.

Three Beers

Three beers was all it took
To shake and shatter
My foundation shook
From the nuclear blaster
After wave shock
Out cold it has me knock’.

The first beer, cold and refreshing
Joy and happiness it did bring
Cold and crispy to the touch
Of euphoria I have never felt such
I relished the smoothness in my mouth
Then swallowed it and let it flow down south
In such a short amount of time
I had already finished it
Feeling sublime
I cherished it,
The alcohol high
Surely made me sigh.

Thus a segunda
Revealed personal propaganda
Aimed at my being
Blurring my seeming-
ly affected vision
Blinded me with precision
So I grasped the second bottle
Chugged it down full throttle
With not a care
Trying to ensnare
And duplicate
The intimate
High that was diminishing.
Very soon, it was in my grasp
But alas it turned out later to be an asp.

It stung me hard
Releasing its venom.
I reeled from the pain
Fighting hard to stay sane.
I wished I could burrow like a worm.
So number three
I ordered to be free.
The high was waning
Sobriety was now gaining
No matter how fast
I drunk,
Into reality I sunk,
And at last
I realised it was over.
There was no four leaf clover
To be found
On this parched ground.

Data Tell Us

A video by UNESCO Iinstitute for Statistic (UIS) that signales the lack of global progress in ensuring every child’s right to education

Source: Data Tell Us

GEORGE MICHAEL: Everything He Wants

“In a lot of places, of course, the 80s never really came to an end.” – Nick Harkaway ∞∞∞ Wham! featuring George Michael with Everything She Wants ∞∞∞ GEORGE MICHAEL Everything He…

Source: GEORGE MICHAEL: Everything He Wants


Straight from another mare’s mouth..

Top Three Douchiest Things People Post On Social Media Part Two

The fact that people take precautions to defend selfies with passive aggressive hashtags in their captions shows that they instinctively know it’s douchey. Hence the aforementioned. This is the proof in the douchebag pudding. This is why the constant selfie taker is a douche… Someone gotta read this.. Not my words..

tonysbologna : Honest. Satirical. Observations

As I type the keyboard shakes with growing intensity; the footsteps of the impending masses are truly felt before they are heard. Part two of Top Three Douchiest Things People Post On Social Media sheds light on the Jewel of the Social Media Nile; The Selfie. Shots fired.

Seflie wonka

Douchey Tendency Number Two: The Everyday Selfie Taker

Selfies are a lighting rod issue: they are simultaneously, all the while beautifully, loved and loathed by the masses. If you will they are Yin and Yang. We love selfies, love taking them, love captioning them, love critiquing them and most importantly love the ego stroke we receive when someone “likes” them. Everyone with a smartphone takes selfies and sometimes we actually need to. I’m aware life happens. You just bumped into Will Smith, I get it. Proudly take that selfie and upload that shit. I’ll “like” it, maybe even write a comment. Carpe…

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